Why is your website loading speed important, especially on mobiles?
We’ll run you through some of the main reasons why it’s important to have a fast loading website, and what can happen if your loading times are too slow:
You’ll lose page visitors
If a potential customer in Chester comes to your website and it takes a long time to load up, they will most likely leave your page feeling frustrated and take their business elsewhere. A study showed that up to 53% of mobile phone users will leave a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load!

You won’t rank as highly in search engines
Google has put some boundaries in place, where if your site or mobile site takes too long to load you will be penalised by a lower page ranking. Why would Google want to send its users to a website that will leave them feeling frustrated?
Google will start warning users before they click on a slow website
If your website is usually slow, Google will start warning people when they go to your site! So not only will you suffer from having a lower page ranking, but it will be advertised to the consumer that your website is going to provide a frustrating experience. On this flip side of this, if you have a fast working website you really have nothing to worry about.
In summary, if you have a slow website you risk the following:
- losing new potential customers due to their frustration
- around half of your customers leaving your site because it’s so slow
- getting less traffic because of your lower page ranking
- the customer being warned that you have a slow website
If you are trying to gain new customers in Chester, and retain existing ones, then having a website that is quick loading on both computers and mobile devices is essential.
Some parting advice from Chester Apps to you – make sure your website is super speedy, contact Chester Apps for more info!